
The Losses of Trauma: Grief and PTSD

I’ve been reading the book Lost Connections with the current Camp Aftermath group.

In this book, Johann Hari explores reasons for “depression” apart from the current medical model of a dysfunctional brain. Chapter 2 talks about “grief” as originally being an exception to the diagnosis of depression in the early versions of the DSM. And that got my brain going…

Feeling Like A Chicken With its Head (Brain) Cut Off?

This is a "reprint" of an entertaining and educational article from Dr. Jeff Carmen, who created the pirHEG system I write about on my website and in other blog posts. With his permission I'm re-posting it here for those of you interested in:- HEG - the frontal lobes - learning to put the brakes on yourself ;-) He talks primarily about the prefrontal cortex -- for those of you who read my blog (and thanks for that! ), that will be roughly what I talk about more loosely as the "frontal lobes" or the "executive system" -- that area of the brain sitting behind your forehead. He also refers to the frontal lobes/prefrontal cortex as being primarily "inhibitory", meaning that instead of the activity of the executive system being dedicated to Getting Stuff Done (e.g., movements, sensory activity) it tends to be more actively Stopping Unnecessary Stuff (e.g., distractions, impulsive actions, attention-wandering, anger outbursts, emotional extremes...). So I'm hoping you can see how important it is to have those frontal lobes in gear to get you where you need to be! Anyway, enough from me. Here he is....